It takes vision to design a project that will stand the test of time, twenty-five years of time. Wes Jones, who as a Partner of Holt Hinshaw Pfau Jones and then Jones, Partners: Architecture, realized the 2020 AIALA 25-Year Award recipient UCLA Chiller Plant/Cogeneration Facility.
So, perhaps we should not be surprised that when Jones responded to the 2020 AIALA Presidential Honoree Q&A, his responses were forward leaning. (We also have to agree, with his response to question number 3. To discover it, read on:)
1. Out of your projects, can you select one which you believe has most contributed to the city, how, and… why did you do it?
Astronaut’s Memorial—not contributing to the city per se, but to the nation and culture. It was a competition, and I did it out of a sense of duty and respect for the space program.

2. What’s the best depiction of LA architecture in culture at large and why?
[Given my] super-limited movie experience I’d have to say the two Blade Runners, for the obvious reasons.
[Celebrate Wes Jones with us at the 2020 AIALA Design Awards, October 29, 2020. To purchase tickets for this zoom event, click here.]
3. What’s the best thing a client or community member can say to you.
“Go for it.”
4. What’s your favorite public place to safe distance in LA right now?
The beach.
5. What’s on your bucket list design-wise. What’s that dream project.
A tower…
Read the press release announcing the 2020 AIALA Presidential Honoree Recipients.