Two themes, well actually three, run through our Presidential Honoree interview with Anne Frederiksen who receives her Hon. AIA|LA at the Design Awards this October 30. Lighting, her Danish heritage, and family. Frederiksen, who is a past board member of the Scandinavian American Arts Foundation, combines her passion for the first two through her position as Business Development Manager at PLP SoCal. The latter—her family—reveals how she experiences her adopted city.

AIA|LA: Favorite Place to eat in LA?
Ann Frederiksen, Hon. AIA|LA: Because we have a very busy professional life and thus less time with our kids than we could wish, our favorite place to eat is actually at home around our big dining table where everyone can share their day’s activities. My husband Soren, generally does the cooking. He is probably the most supporting husband I have encountered in my industry— he attends most of my functions and has become a welcome face at architectural events.
(Celebrate Ann Frederiksen, Hon. AIA|LA, at the 2018 Design Awards Ceremony + Party. Here’s how.)
Okay, a commission or project that you’ve done. Tell us a story about it that we don’t already know.
My favorite project would have to be the Santa Monica Library. I worked on this project with Moore Ruble Yudell and their Lighting Designer during the design phase. The lighting is a unique integral part of the design, as it should be on every project. I am especially proud to have the Scandinavian lighting influence on this light and airy project. The Santa Monica Library has become a very important part of our family life as my kids all enjoy their weekly trips to it. Also one of my favorite exhibits, “Nordic Latitude,” was held here—all about Danish Design—in a great collaborative spirit.
If you had four hours off and could spend it anywhere in Los Angeles, where would it be?
My family always enjoys hiking in the local Santa Monica mountains, looking at the views and simply getting away from what is often a very busy schedule for all of us.
Been to the Design Awards before? Tell us about a moment that stands out, whether it’s inspirational, behind-the-scenes, or lighthearted.
I have attended many AIA Design Awards through the years and always enjoy being with friends and colleagues from the industry. Seeing old friends and meeting new ones. And, of course, having an opportunity for a closer look at the projects submitted for awards. A favorite was the year my friend Ann Videriksen received her Hon. AIA| LA.