AIA LA Roundtable on CPUC NEM 3.0

AIA LA Roundtable on CPUC NEM 3.0 This is a FREE virtual event. Do you have ideas to share to ensure a more equitable path forward for rooftop solar and […]

50 Ways to Lose Your Project

50 Ways to Lose Your Project | 50 Ways to Build It (Tribulations and Exultations of Practice Never Mentioned in School) This is a virtual event. Zoom log-in information will […]

$15.00 – $55.00

California Dreaming: Reimagining LA’s Roadways

California Dreaming: Reimagining LA's Roadways This is a virtual event. Zoom log-in information will be emailed to registrants 24 hours in advance from If you do not receive a […]

Free – $20.00

Future of Carbon Neutral Design

Future of Carbon Neutral Design This is a virtual event. Zoom log-in information will be emailed to registrants 24 hours in advance from If you do not receive a […]

Free – $20.00

Managing Pandemic Pandemonium

Managing Pandemic Pandemonium and the Climate Change Conundrum: What is a Design Professional to do? This is a virtual event. Zoom log-in information will be emailed to registrants 24 hours […]

Free – $15.00

UC San Diego Hillcrest Redevelopment Phase One

UC San Diego Hillcrest Redevelopment Phase One This is a virtual event. Zoom log-in information will be emailed to registrants 24 hours in advance from If you do not […]

Free – $20.00

Well-Lit for Well-Being in Hospitals

Well-Lit for Well-Being in Hospitals – Designing Lighting & Shading; Controls in Hospitals Hosted by AIA San Diego AIA Program WLWB001 1LU This is a FREE virtual event. Lighting, daylighting, […]

WiA Speed Mentoring – ALLY UP

WiA Speed Mentoring - ALLY UP AIALA Committee: Women In Architecture This is a virtual event. Zoom log-in information will be emailed to registrants 24 hours in advance from […]

Free – $10.00