Implementation Status for the 2018-2020 Strategic Plan
(Value, Relevancy, Inspiration, Inclusivity and Advocacy—What the AIA|LA Delivered in 2018)
December 19, 2018—In January of this year, the American Institute of Architects, Los Angeles chapter released the 2018-2020 AIA|LA Strategic Plan which responds to the fundamental question: how can the AIA|LA better serve you, our members?
In concluding 2018 programming, the Chapter is updating membership as to programming, activities, and initiatives entered into by the AIA|LA during the past year that fulfilled the five general mandates which compose the plan. They are:
+ Increase the value of membership – Value
+ Demonstrate and expand the significance of the profession – Relevancy
+ Inspire and engage the next generation of Architects – Inspiration
+ Increase diversity and equality across the profession – Inclusivity
+ Be a prominent voice in business, government, media and across diverse communications – Advocacy
To discover actions the Chapter enacted to advance these goals during 2018, view pages two – four of “Strategic Plan: Measures of Success in 2018.”
Process to Draft the 2018-2020 AIA|LA Strategic Plan
The 2018-2020 AIA|LA Strategic Plan was the result of the input and vision of members, 2017 and 2018 Board of Directors and committee members plus other chapter leaders, academics, and members with expertise in policy and advocacy at local, state and national levels.
Its established mission declares that: “AIA|LA is the voice of the architectural profession providing resources for our members, who are the leaders in the design of the built environment.” Goals laid out in the document represent five broad and essential spheres as noted above.
2018 AIA|LA President Tania Van Herle, AIA, is the first chapter president to preside over plan implantation. The document itself was initiated and formulated under the guidance of 2017 President Doug Teiger, AIA, and the 2017 Board of Directors. In summer of that year, members responded to a survey that sought their priorities for the Chapter.
In October 2017, attendees of a retreat composed of AIA|LA Board and Committee members, academics, and architects active in policy and advocacy at local and national levels translated member responses into goals and strategies resulting in a final document. Their work was approved by the 2018 AIA|LA Board of Directors and shared with membership as the fundamentals for programming, advocacy and activity in the coming three years—a roadmap for our future.